How to Use Yanhua Mini ACDP to Change BMW FEM/BDC VIN

Recently,some UOBDII regular customers ask the question about how to change BMW FEM/BDC VIN via Yanhua Mini ACDP.Here UOBDII engineer give the guide,hope it helps!


FEM/BDC and Yanhua Mini ACDP Connection Diagram:

First,you need to determine the module is FEM or BDC?

To judge by the memory chip model is 95128 or 95256

95128 is FEM and 95256 is BDC

Yanhua Mini ACDP to Change BMW FEMBDC VIN (1)

BMW FEM Connection:connect Yanhua ACDP FEM bridge on FEM module

Yanhua Mini ACDP to Change BMW FEMBDC VIN (2)

BMW BDC Connection:connect Yanhua ACDP BDC bridge on FEM module

Yanhua Mini ACDP to Change BMW FEMBDC VIN (3)

Note:If the 4 fixed pins of FEM/BDC bridge are not inserted into the PCB hole

Yanhua Mini ACDP to Change BMW FEMBDC VIN (4)

The 4 fixed pins of FEM/BDC bridge are oriented in the direction of the bridge and have no actual electrical performance. The functions are not affected by this. Only the RES of FEM/BDC has electrical performance.

RES position of FEM

Yanhua Mini ACDP to Change BMW FEMBDC VIN (5)

RES position of BDC

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Yanhua ACDP Software Operations:

After you finish hardware device connection,we need to operate software to change the BMW FEM/BDC VIN.

Here is a BMW FEM/BDC VIN Changing video guide,please check it:
