How to Unlock Key Pro M8 Key Programmer

This is the instruction on how to unlock key pro m8 auto key programmer.
Step-by-step instruction:
1. Give serial number and password to customer service;
2. Provide the customer service with the unlock ID and we will give you the right unlock code;
3. Input the code, and the device will be unlocked;
4. The PIN code remains the original one;
5. Copy the documents in the CD to a computer;
6. Power up the m8 device, start it up, connect it to the computer via USB cable and install the device driver;
7. Run M8 Tool.ex;
8. Upgrade [the file you you need to download] into the device, for the programs will be cleared after locking.

M8 key programmer works fine!

Ps. Key pro m8 user manual:!Qx9g1Rpa!QAV1fL8Mad6I1ZXoA0dvETNIR-o75Rj49YpbbwYa5cY

