How to install New Genius/ K-Touch to read write ECU

UOBD2 recently released the update version kess v2— New Genius (K-TOUCH), which allows reading / programming the ECU in modern vehicles over OBD2. Here is the instruction on how to install New Genius to read and write ECU.

O/S requirement: Windows XP/ 7

Multi-Language: English,Italian,German,French,Spanish,Portuguese,Hungarian

Video guide:

How to install new genius k-touch on win 7

How to automatically install new genius on windows xp

How to manually install New Genius on Windows xp


STEP-by-step instruction on automatically install new genius on Windows xp:


Disconnect network connection when installing and using K-touch.

Go to K-TOUCH disk (F:).

Open K-TOUCH-E->read first.pdf

Click Accept for the license agreement.

Minimize the pdf interface.

Step 1 Install K-TOUCH V1.0

Open K-Touch.

Click Next.

Click Install.

Installing K-Touch…

Select setup language. OK.

Setup requirements
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Installing requirements…

Click OK to restart the computer.

Step 2 Install K-Touch and Race EVO

Open New Genius K-Touch.

Click Next.

Click Install.

Installing K-Touch…

Select setup language. OK.

Setup requirements
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Installing requirements…

Race EVO (rev. 431 build 829) Setup 1 – Install Aware Wizard: click Next.
install-New-Genius (3)
Important info for Race EVO installation: click Next.

(Windows XP SP3 with 1GB RAM memory)
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Go to read first.pdf, to copy Dimensione Sport Customer Code: C7535 to Race EVO. Then click Next.

Click Next.

Click Next to install.

Cancel the tick on Run Race EVO (rev. 431 build 829) Setup 1 now. And click Finish for installing Race EVO.
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Click Finish for installing K-Touch.

Tips on K-Touch read out data using computer

1 connect k-touch machine with power adapter, and then wait until the machine boot. If the machine cannot boot, turn off power then connect to power again, until the machine boot.

2 use USB cable to connect the machine to the computer, then read out K-Touch data.

Found new hardware wizard: click Next.

Click Finish for installing the software for DimSport – New Genius Device.

Go to Computer Management.

Select Device Manager->Universal Serial Bus controllers->DimSport – New Genius Device.
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Then close computer management.

Step 3 Run K-Touch

Open K-Touch on Desktop.

Click Accept definitely.

Please update database…. Click No.

Select K-Touch->Explore…

Race EVO: GENIUS is not updated…. Click OK.

Select FILE/Read/000. Then save on Desktop.
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Click Yes to extract header.

Back to FILE to select Write. Import on Genius.
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Open file “000” (not notepad 000) on desktop.

Back to FILE.

select Help (on top menu bar)->System information.
Read and click OK.

Select Help (on top menu bar)->Information About.
This is K-touch standard version 7.06.506 build 3029.
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more info about automatic & manual installation New Genius on WIN 7/XP, please go to 