CGDI Solved Mercedes Vito Viano W636/W639 Not Show Mileage Problem

Sometimes, when you replace a second- hand instrument cluster for Mercedes Benz Vito/Viano, W636/W639, it may not show mileage. The data of this Mercedes instrument is relatively special. It involves a variety of verification, including inverse code and transposition. Don’t worry! Just follow this post to fix the problem with CG100, CG Pro 9S12 and CGDI MB easily.

1.Read original chip data with CG100/ CG100X /CG Pro

Disassemble the instrument cluster

Remove dashboard

Locate the chip IC 25LC640

Read 25640 chip data with CG100 Prog III or CG Pro 9S12 programmer


2.Read original key info with CGDI MB to modify data

The red frame is the mileage area, which can be changed to 0.

The blue frame is the synchronization ID (SSID) of the instrument cluster and the key, which needs to be modified according to the SSID of the current key.

For mileage to show, mileage+ SSID must match EZS.

Use CGDI Prog MB key programmer to read the original key information

And then record the SSID and key position

Such as the current key position: 2

SSID: 69 6F 44 40

From the key info, we can infer that the first key SSID should be 68 6F 44 40.

The main point:

1.SSID variants

68 6F 44 40 transferred 97 90 BB BF

97 90 BB BF back to front: BF BB 90 97

2.SSID verification

BF=40, BF verification: B0 4F

BB=44, BB verification: B4 4B

90=6F, 90 verification: 9F 60

97=68, 97 verification: 98 67

3.Input the following value in blue frame

BF B0 4F BB B4 4B 90 9F 60 97 98 67

Comparison diagram: Before and After data modification

Write the modified chip data to cluster

Reinstall instrument cluster to the vehicle

The correct mileage shows on the dashboard, all data are working.

Perfect! Mercedes Benz Vito/Viano, W636/W639 not show mileage problem has been successfully solved by CGDI devices.
