You can download BMW INPA 5.0.2 (last version, includes NCSExpert and WinKFP) software here: (this set is fully tested by me).
Unpack INPA and run Programminstallation/setup.exe
1. Choose language:

4. Next step:
5. Next step:
6. Next step:
7. Next step:
8. Next step:
9. Next step:
10. Next step:
11. Next step:
12. Next step (select STD:OBD even if you have DCAN cable) :
13. Next step (select COM port that your cable plugged in):
14. Next step:
15. Next step (click “skip” 3 times):
16. Next step:
17. Next step (restart your computer):
And now,UOD2.NET engineer NOTICE:BMW INPA instruction complete