Lonsdor K518ISE program BMW FEM BDC key even all key lost
Lonsdor K518ISE key programmer can program BMW FEM BDC key (for all key lost, enter 32-bit ISN code) in the dismantling FEM module method. Read guide in the below parts.
Lonsdor K518ISE key programmer can program BMW FEM BDC key (for all key lost, enter 32-bit ISN code) in the dismantling FEM module method. Read guide in the below parts.
Here are the results of the TJECU CN900mini latest version (1.32) new “Partial 48 Decoding and Copy” function tested on VW Golf MK 4 , year 2002. Was […]
Lonsdor K518ISE manual: How to register How to activate How to update How to Register Lonsdor K518ISE best key programmer? After system updating, you need go to […]
Standard key locks that only give a partial decode from the door lock so need to be progressed .
The first batch of Lonsdor K518ISE is now under final installation.Contact www.uobdii.com for pre-order
I’ve got the picking side if lishi just about cracked. I’m struggling with the decoding once the lock is open. I’m wasting 4 or 5 blank blades and sometimes still not getting it.
2017 Super SBB2 Key Programmer can perform both immobilizer function (key programming & pin code read) as well as mileage adjustment, Oil/service Reset, TPMS EPS,BMS etc.
Lishi 2 in 1 User Guide outlines in detail how the tool interacts with the lock, where the wafers are and are not, which way they move and which lever on the tool moves the wafer.
Despite only having 8 positions on this pick decoder , this tool is for the 10 Cut TOY43R lock and not the 8 cut toy43 lock with the 2 split wafer positions in it.
OBD read write BMW FEM/BDC engine ISN on most N20, N13, N55 is possible with Yanhua BMW FEM /BDC key programmer V1.0.5.
Here provide Volvo/Renault/Mack Premium Tech Tool PTT 2.5.86 best price. During the past months, uobdii email box is full with inquiry of PTT 2.5.86. Here we go. $380 for: […]
CDDI PROG can program keys to BMW CAS1, CAS2, CAS3, CAS3+, FEM, BDC. Here, i will display how to use CGDI PROG BMW for F31 FEM remote programming
Any of Vpecker EasyDiag, Autel MaxiSys Pro 908P, Launch X431 V can fully work with Indian cars Tata, Mahindra and Maruti, read this post for details.
SKP1000 key programmer on sale for $499 last 100pcs of the first batch of 500 pieces.After the left 100pcs sell out, the price will rise up.
This Lonsdor K518ISE help file on Volvo S60, basically includes 4 parts: Function, Operation, Attention, and Reference. Function Add key: please first make sure if […]
Vpecker E4 Malaysia PERODUA PROTON diagnostic & reset tool, designed by IDUTEX Technical, is a 8 inch touch screen tablet running Android 4.4 system.
CGDI Prog is offering and will offer BMW FEM BDC key programming function for free of charge and the users can save up to $175 meanwhile CGDI PRO won’t increase price.
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