Which ELM327 OBDII Scanner to Buy

ELM327 scanner  price drop down since yesterday in uobdii.com, mini elm327 Bluetooth is only $7.5 plus free shipping.

ELM327 share some same features as following list:

  1. ELM327  is mainly compatible with the car which support OBDII / EOBD protocol.
  2.  All ELM327 interfaces are multi-language available including: English/Czech/Danish/German/Spanish/French/Croatian/Hungarian/Italian/Polish/Serbian/Turkish
  3. Can’t update
  4. The newest software is V2.1, hardware version is V.5
  5. About Elm327 Bluetooth and WIFI install on Andriod Torque, Apple IOS and Symbian OBDScope, please read post at: http://www.iobd2.org/elm327-bluetooth-wifi-ios-android-download-install/

Which one ELM327 to buy? please refer to the following comparison table.

Images  Item NO Name PC Iphone iPad iPod Android Bluetooth WIFI Mini
wifi-elm327-wireless-obd2-auto-scanner-adapter-scan-sc133 SC133 ELM327 WIFI for iPhone iPad iPod iPhone iPad Ipod Bluetooth Wifi
wifiobd-device-SO71 SO71 WiFi OBD2 scanner for Apple iPad iPhone iPod Touch iPhone iPad Ipod Wifi
 wifi327-wifi-obd2-eobd-scan-tool-sc133-c SC133-C ELM327 WIFI for Android iPhone/iPad iPhone iPad Ipod Android Symbian Wifi
2013-new-code-reader-tool-super-mimi-elm327-sc157 SC157 mini ELM327 WiFi with Switch work with iPhone iPhone iPad Ipod Wifi Mini
vgate-wifi-obd-multiscan-elm327-sc76-b SC76-B VGATE WIFI OBD Multiscan Elm327 for Android PC iPhone iPad PC-based iPhone iPad Ipod Android Symbian Mini
wifi-elm327-obd2-car-diagnostic-tool-sc76-d  SC76-D WIFI ELM327 for Android and iOS iPhone/iPad PC-based iPhone iPad Ipod Android Symbian Wifi Mini
 elm327-obdii-wifi-diagnostic-wireless-scanner-sc133-b SC133-B Wifi ELM327 Apple iPhone Touch PC-based iPhone iPad Ipod Bluetooth Wifi
super-mini-elm327-bluetooth-new-sc158 SC158 Super Mini ELM327 Bluetooth with Power Switch with Power Android Symbian Bluetooth Mini
mini-elm327-interface-viecar-obd2-bluetooth-scanner-sc264 SC264 MINI ELM327 Interface Viecar 2.0 OBD2 Bluetooth for Android and windows PC-based Android Symbian Bluetooth Mini
 mini-elm327-bluetooth-interface-sc104-e SC104-E Mini ELM327 Bluetooth PC-based Android + Symbian Bluetooth Mini
 super-mini-elm327-bluetooth-obd2-scanner-sc104-f SC104-F Super Mini ELM327 Bluetooth OBD2 CANBUS scanner PC-based Android + Symbian Bluetooth Mini
super-mini-elm327-bluetooth-obd2-white-sc104-g SC104-G Super MINI ELM327 Bluetooth OBD2 White PC-based Android Symbian Bluetooth Mini
 elm-327-aluminum-sc01 SC01 ELM327 CANBUS With aluminum shell PC-based
 elm327-vgate-scan-advanced-obd2-scan-sc76 SC76 Elm327 vgate Android Symbian Bluetooth
 elm327-bluetooth-obd2-scanner-plastic-sc03 SC03 ELM327 Bluetooth with Plastic shell PC-based Bluetooth
 elm327-scanner-software-usb-plastic-with-ft232rl-chip-sc02 SC02 ELM327 Plastic with FT232RL Chip PC-based
new-mini-elm327-bluetooth-obd2-v15-sc104 SC104 MINI ELM327 Bluetooth PC-based Bluetooth Mini
 elm327-bluetooth-version-can-bus-eobd-scan-tool-120 SC03-B ELM327 Bluetooth CAN BUS PC-based Bluetooth
elm327-v-1-4-usb-plastic-scanner-new-sc02-b SC02-B USB ELM327 plastic with FT232RL Chip PC-based
 mini-elm327-bluetooth-obd2-sc104-b SC104-B MINI ELM327 Bluetooth white PC-based Bluetooth Mini
new-mini-elm327-bluetooth-obd2-black-sc104-c SC104-C MINI ELM327 Bluetooth (black) PC-based Bluetooth Mini
elm327-plastic-obdii-eobd-canbus-scanner-with-2102-chip-sc02-d SC02-D Elm327 plastic with 2102 chip PC-based
super-mini-elm327-bluetooth-version-sc104-d SC104-D Super MINI ELM327 Bluetooth Black PC-based Bluetooth Mini
augocom-mini-elm327-bluetooth-SC104-H SC104-H AUGOCOM MINI ELM327 Bluetooth OBD2 Hardware V1.5 Software V2.1 PC-based Bluetooth Mini
 augocom-a2-elm327-vgate-scan-advanced-obd2-bluetooth-scan-tool-SC76-E  SC76-E AUGOCOM A2 ELM327 Vgate Scan Advanced OBD2 Android + Symbian Bluetooth
 vgate-icar-2-bluetooth-elm327-SC224 SC224 2014 Newest Vgate iCar 2 Bluetooth Version ELM327 OBD2 Code Reader iCar2 PC-based Android Bluetooth