VVDI Keytool user can buy Clone 48 96bit since 1.04.2018

VVDI Key tool 96 bit ID48 cloning system global released!
VVDI Key tool user can buy a Clone 48 96bit since 1.04.2018
1500 free points for calculations , this same as VVDI2

Since 1.04.2018 all users who have 48 96 bit activations in VVDI2 can combinate Keytool + VVDI2 and use Keytool to clone 48 as well.


VVDI key tool 96bit ID 48 clone needs:

Ordinary ID48 chip without OBDII

Activation Fee $250 (Additional gift 1500 bonus points)

Cloning costs 100 bonus points each time (bonus points can be accumulated by using VVDI Remote).

You can buy Calculation tokens as well, price for token is $8.


Clone VVDI Key Tool ID48 by OBDII, please have a look at SV86-S2

1. If you have 96bit ID48 authorizatrion in VVDI2, you can combinate vvdi2 +vvdi key tool in the bonus points, use Keytool to clone 48 as well.
1. If you have no VVDI2 and only use VVDI Key tool, please buy the Clone 96bit ID48 authorizatrion.
2. If you use both VVDI2 and VVDI Key tool, pay $250 for 96bit ID48 authorizatrion, VVDI2 and VVDI Key tool will have one time.

Question: Licence get automatically updated? In both tools.
When making an account, combining them on the webpage when checking bonus points.
And register the new account, either via phone in CN or email in the rest of the world?
Or need to contact reseller for activating?

Answer: if you already activated 96bit copy48 on VVDI2, just combined both device(VVDI2 and VVDI KEY connected to PC at the same time),
then both can activate.(combine interface in VVDI2-Transponder Programming-Points System)
if only with VVDI KEY TOOL and want to use 96 bit copy48, you have to contact with dealer for activate.


Any question or suggestion, please be free to contact email at: Sales@UOBDII.com

