What is TOPDON AD900BT?
TOPDON ArtiDiag900 BT is lastest all system diagnostic tool, which released in 2023. TOPDON AD900BT is with 28 advanced service functions at your disposal, rest assured that you are equipped to make a car roadworthy. Including bi-directional control, Auto VIN, ECU code online, Oil Reset, ABS Bleed, EPB Service, SAS, DPF, BMS, Throttle Reset, Injector Code, Headlights, Transmission, A/F, and more! Keep Your Diagnostic Process Smoother. For more special functions, refer to the special function menu in a specific system.
I started with the Autel Maxi200 Bluetooth diagnostics tool, and it was serving my needs pretty well for the most part until my Jeep needed both a Cam sensor and Crank Sensor replaced. After researching a bit, the ArtiDiag900BT had the exact service function I needed and a few more useful features that I could see myself using with other projects. I replaced the sensors, then it took less than a minute to perform the sensor relearn. The speed of this machine is insane, it reads the system information in seconds, the UI is very simplistic, easy to learn, and designed well. After browsing through the system menus more, you really learn the advanced capabilities this machine does that’s hidden behind a few safety prompts. It has updates daily for vehicle programs, and the system remains stable with no change to performance or speed swiping through any of the menus. Overall this is a product I would purchase over, and have already began recommending it to all my mechanic friends and family.