SUBARU SSM III V2015.1 Free Download:
Subaru_01_2015.rar 712.2 MB!5YcnXBiC!ipnGmoe1i5ZJZxxr04sXn08TxH7cE-7DApELvHbxXB4
SUBARU SSM III V2015.1 Test Report:
- Windows XP/Vista/Win7/Win8/Win8.1 works
- Covers all Subaru from worldwide
- models (legacy, impreza, outback, XV and forester) with EE engines works
- Program the ECU for 2008 subaru impreze 2.0ROK, it depends on you want change ECU or program ECU.
- Subaru diesel injector calibrationok, unless you want to retrofit Subaru or want to able the hidden function.
- Program Subaru smart keyOK
- Program control unit for 2015 SUBARU Legacy 2.5iOK
Works on VXDIAG SUBARU diagnostic tool (Hot)
SSM III V2015.1 setup Youtube Video:
Setup Main steps:
- Install “SSMIII Software October 2013 Ver. Full”
- Open folder “Patch_for_SSM3_10_2013”, and right click the patch to open it. Then after SSMIII 10_2013 update success, click OK to end process.
- Click, download newest vxdiag driverto install, connect VXDIAG to the computer and the Subaru vehicle. Complete install “Found new hardware”
- Open “Vx Manager”> “Information” > “License” to get it updated.
- Click “License” to find out the Passthru and Subaru are available.
- Click “Diagnostic APP” and select “Downloading”
…… to be continued
SUBARU SSM III V2015.1 Important Notes:
- About Teaching Operation codes:
A teaching operation code may be needed when using the SSMII to do immobilzer, you are required to enter teaching operation code, then security ID, otherwise you can’t go on operate.
Take a part of teaching code for example, the following Subaru models and year and the necessary teaching code:
Legacy (2005 and after): 3781
Impreza (2005-07): 3178
Impreza (2008-2011): 3781
Forester (2005-08): 3178
Forester (2009-2013): 3781
Tribeca (2006 and after) 3781
- About registration:
It may prompt “CF card update failure”, just click “Close” and “Confirm”. Because the old handheld device is built in CF card, but VXDIAG Subaru SSM-III is not.