Lonsdor K518 Pro Program 2024 Volvo XC40 Smart Key

Today we’re going to show how to program smart key to a 2024 Volvo XC40 by Lonsdor K518 Pro key programmer.


2024 Volvo XC40 car

Two car keys (original and new key)

Lonsdor KPROG Adapter

Lonsdor K518 Pro

Operation guide:

First of all, we need to disassemble the CEM

Look at the operation menu to connect the CEM module

It’s under the steering wheel.

Use OBDII cable to connect K518 Pro and the vehicle

Take the white box off, it only has three ports on it

Now we’ve got the board from the dismantled CEM module

Solder the wire according to the instruction of the operation menu

Then connect to the KPROG Adapter

Connection way:

Immo & Remote>> Volvo>> XC60>> 2022->> Program smart key>> Operation guide

(As the XC40 menu has not been updated, we can use XC60 to work)

It has several types. It’s matched with the same module shape with three plugs.

Weld to the circled spot

Need to match the chip

Connect the cables to the CEM board according to the corresponding picture

Be aware of the connection cables should not be too long

Plug in the power supply to KPROG Adapter as well

Next, read CEM data

Choose “Read CEM data”

Enter the filename to save the CEM data

After that, go to add smart key.

Select the second option to load the CEM security code

Select XC402024 data just saved

Prepare all the keys to be programmed

The current of keys is 2.

All keys are cleared now, start to add smart key

The current number of key is 0.

Put the key need to be programmed to the armrest box

Program key successfully

Use the same method to program the second key

All are programmed by K518 PRO Key Programmer successfully

Finally, test two car keys, and both work fine!




