As an electrician more than 20 years I know what work or not with original and clone devices. My budget is not unlimited, so like most peoples, we can’t buy all original we need each time. And we often need several devices together. So if the Orange 5 programmer clone can make one step that my others cannot do, I am happy with that!
- This Orange5 is clone but includes IMMO HPX 9V0 Software License and adapter set, it works good for me with hundreds dollar compared with the original thousands dollar. I just read 1d69j adapter success.
- First very easy to install, then I start tested it: all functions open 1-10 except car radio get error, tested reading usual EPROMS all good, tested tms370 with adaptor board did not read so maybe bad adaptor board, tested IMMO login code from dump, TMS VW works.
- IMMO SW included and also activation for other sw. Only one minus is not have updates , I have original also get this to play with it , and can’t say bad for it , till now first I read with original after that with the clone and no problem till now , of course I not test all but with some NEC all ok .
- I have never had any problems with the clone; everything works as it should, knock on wood. Not sure is there any script but software for IMMO, radio and dash coming together with clone. 2j74y ok, 35080 ok, TMS IMMO Opel ok, Hc05 IMMO old VW ok
- Orange 5 OEM seems to be an EEPROM programmer. I often extract the dump of an EEPROM with a programmer and modify it with the software came with the Orange 5.
- Work great. Now I check in hc05b8, hc11e9 EEPROMs. All read and write very fast.
- I have Orange5 programmer OEM clone and everything works perfect for now. I have 4 secured MCU, and they work ok. On Hc908az60 secured it work’s good. I have tried 68hc11 and it work’s just perfect.
I have tested with 1j35d, 4j74y, 1d69j, 0d69j, 0f82b, 3k91d, TMS 370c702 OK! - I bought a clone orange 5 because original took a shit. We need put remote data up for all chrysler keys and anything that uses 7941 to make orange immo reset more usefull. Have been logging out put of orange and mk3. Thought about making a device but by time done mk3 clones will be out. tnt enforcer opens up tm100 soft that needs paid for and alot of mk3’s software options. Hey why unpack exe go through all the hassle, just run xp and tntenforcer.
- I read HC05x32 with O5 clone success, when you want to be 100% sure, better to resolder all point on them.
Or maybe the problem is in the voltage, that sometimes it loses, first to make BOOT, and when of OK then to read, if you change manual of a value smaller to 5v to read to 5v down to the right, this error tries, also When you do a bad reading the info of the MCU modifies it to you, be careful to read an original MCU or it will be damaged. - I read nec with orange clone . no problem.
- Mine is clone and work very well, EZS HC05 on adapter, Nats BDM, 307, 206 BSI BDM ……
But before using, need rework on all solder joint and cleaning all adapter….. - It made this adapter to working with Nissan NATS, tested NATS 4 easy work, not have NATS 5 for test yet.
If you want to make this adaptor and you need the pinout like in picture.
Here it is. All in one page for easiest working on bench.
- Orange 5 clone need reverse TX and RX.
- Orange5 is a learning tool at the moment im reverse engineering it. If you are considering to have one Orange 5 clone from a reliable seller. You can go to: