This article is available with the solution to Golf7 2016 with all keys lost.
How to program MQB Golf7 key?
Option 1. Only dealer my friend.
Without working key, it is impossible to enter bootloader mode on VDO MQB dashboards.
Removing the dash will not help and opening it won’t help too.
Go to dealer.
20€ for programming on VW dealer , it’s the better !
golf 5 250 , golf 6 250 , golf 7 90 € , sirocco 300€
Option 2. All keys lost for MQB vehicles if the CS of the dashboard and of the ECU are available -> AVDI VAG v36.
Do you have the CS bytes for the key (immodata from dashboard)?
Yes -> prepare dealer key
No -> Dealer job
so get CS ……and do what need.
Option 3.
The only way we could do a golf 7 all key lost was to order dealer key and use obd helper and vvdi2 to get it done.
Option 4.
There is a video of handy baby assistant collecting data by obd on mk7 with this dash but has working key so do not know
If can collect data without working key
The video is on you tube.
And this article also shows the procedure:
Handy baby 2 does what it says on the tin, friend of mine did one last month on a 2010 golf 7 with handy baby + assistant I have kept this on my mind next time.
Option 5.
Chinese are doing this by teamviewer, all by OBD.
No removal of ECU for flash.
This is a fact, a mate of mine has had it done.
Golf 7, all keys lost.
Option 6.
I used zedfull recently to do a 2014 golf but you need to purchase them MQB tokens.