This is the instruction on how to recover FTDI eeprom even if Galletto is not recognized correctly by Windows.
Tools i used is FGTech Galleto 54 from China, with the link:
Free download Galletto V54 FTDI files:
FTDI files included:
folder “FIX1”
folder “FIX2”
Recovery procedure:
- Connect Galletto to USB, run Device Manager and install drivers for not recognized Galletto from directory “FIX1\Standard FTDI Drivers for recovery”
- Run MProg.exe, open the file “Galetto_v54.ept” and press “Program”
- Disconnect UBS and connect back.
Now Galletto will be recognized, but not fully programmed.
- Go to “FIX2” directory and run FTReadWrite_v3.exe, press “Write” and open 54.bin file.
The Galletto V54 now recovered.