How to cut TOY48 key blank using V8/ X6 Key Cutting Machine?

If you want a detailed guide to cut TOY48 key blank then here is right for you! This blog is a guide for using Automatic V8/ X6 Key Cutting Machine to cut TOY48 L55 key blank.




Step1. First change machine cutter to probe because we are going to decode the original key and later decode the new key to see if they are same.

Start V8/ X6 Key Cutting Machine, put the original key on clamp then tighten, press the Key Search button as following picture shows:



Step2. Choose “SILCA” then “TOY48.L55”


Choose “Decode”, we start to decode the original key.

v8-x6-key-cutting-machine-cut-toy48-key-blank-4 v8-x6-key-cutting-machine-cut-toy48-key-blank-5

Step3. Now we get the key cut code and take it down.


After that remove the original key and put the new key on clamp to tighten. Then change the probe back to cutter.


Step4. Choose “Direct Copy”


Press the Button 3 to set “Z Pitch: 2time”. So setting should be “Speed: Default; Tip: Nosed; Z Pitch: 2time; Sense: Auto”. And then key cutting starts.


Step5. After one side key blade cutting finish, we turn the key opposite side to continue cut. Setting is same as the step4. Wait and both two sides of key blade are cut.


Now we change the cutter to probe. Back to the main menu and choose “Decode” to prove whether the new key cut code is same as the original one.

Yes. The new TOY48 key share the same cut code with the original one! It means X6 Key Cutting Machine duplicate new TOY48 L55 key successfully!

